adjective: agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people
: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated
— political correctness noun
The expression "politically correct" came about in the 1970's and was intended to mean "inclusive." It referred to the use of language that would not cause an individual of any demographic (social or cultural) group to feel excluded, offended, or diminished..
1. Be careful when addressing groups or talking about others. Use language that would not make any person feel excluded, diminished, or devalued.
2. Avoid language that addresses only one demographic group unless it is intended for that group only, such as using "men" when you mean "all people". Accurate descriptions are the essence of 'political correctness'.
3. Avoid titles that are exclusionary, such as "Chairman" (use "Chairperson"); "Fireman" (use Firefighter); and "Stewardess" (use "Flight Attendant"). The use of titles that exclude persons of a different gender or other social groups is usually acceptable when addressing an individual, as in a business setting, where Mr. Smith is the CEO, and you are introducing him as "Mr. Smith, our Chairman of the Board".
4. Avoid expressions that are derogatory with regard to physical or mental abilities, such as "handicapped" or "retarded". Instead, use first person language, such as "person with a disability" or "person with Down's Syndrome". People have disabilities, they are not defined by them. In many cases, simply addressing the person who has mental, physical, or other challenges in the same terms as you would address anyone else is the ideal solution.
5. Avoid overly-cautious racial descriptions that can be offensive. For example, say "African American" only when talking about Americans who are the descendants of African Slaves.
6. Avoid the use of religious terms when speaking to a group that may include people who belong to different religions (ex., saying "God Bless" at a local event).
7. Be sensitive to the inferences people may read in to the words you choose. Many common expressions have roots in a less inclusive social climate, and only time and education can completely eliminate them (ex., if you are asking if a girl is taken, asking "Do you have a boyfriend?" would be politically incorrect, as it makes them exclusively heterosexual. Instead ask, "Are you seeing/dating anyone?").
8. Respect every individual's right to choose the language and words that best describe their race, class, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or physical ability. Don't get defensive if someone rejects language which dis-empowers, marginalizes, confines, or diminishes them.
Some politically incorrect terms and their correct counterparts:
Secretary => Administrative assistant
Stewardess => Flight attendant
Janitor => Custodial engineer
Garbage collector => Sanitation engineer
Hairdresser => Stylist
Waiter => Server
Chairman => Chairperson
Mankind => Humankind or humanity
Sex change => Gender re-assignment
Terrorist => Freedom fighter
Terrorist act => Man-made disaster
Founding Fathers (of the United States) => The founders
Birth defect => Congenital disability
Mentally ill => Person with mental illness
Handicapped => Differently abled
Healthy/normal => Able-bodied
Fat/Obese => Differently weighted
Black => African-American
Oriental person => Asian person
Illegal immigrant => Undocumented immigrant
Older students => Non-traditional students
Merry Christmas => Happy holidays
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